Already published pages are sometimes updated so feel free to check back every once in a while to see if there are more videos/sections on your type’s page.
A list of all pages on MBTI Ninja:
Cognitive Functions:
Which are the best MBTI tests and why?
How similar is MBTI to other personality tests?
When should you use MBTI and when should you use the Big 5?
Who are some cool MBTI Youtubers to follow?
Who are some cool MBTI Instagram users to follow?
Possible summarised studies as articles:
Development of the Open Jungian Type Scales [MBTI]
Toward an Empirically Sound and Radically Revised Type Theory [MBTI]
MBTI Personality and Hemisphericity of a U.S. Air Force Group
If you subscribe to this substack website, I will feel incentivised to write more and keep up publishing new journal studies posted about MBTI here.
To contact MBTI Ninja please email:
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